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* Standard profile

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FPA Group

Business type: Services
Business type: Local market
Number of employees: 11 - 50
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 2001

Business services

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Firm Rank: 0

The FPA Group offers accounting, HR and payroll services. As one the few companies in this sector, the FPA Group possesses several years experience in full accounting, human resources and payroll services rendered to companies regularly listed among the 500 biggest Polish enterprises. Our Clients include companies with foreign participation (German, American, French, Japanese), for whom efficient and timely reporting is equally as important as managing accounting and human resources matters in compliance with Polish regulations. Additionally we have as Client Polish companies witch understand the benefits of outsourcing accounting and HR matters to the experts.

We cooperate with experienced experts in the fields of management, finance, accounting, human resources and payroll. Our competences and practical knowledge of current laws and regulations, as well as the experience gained during successfully-performed projects, make it possible to customize the FPA Group offer to the individual needs of potential Partners.
The FPA Group possesses practical experience in implementing numerous outsourcing projects, from the services provided to newly-formed small-business companies, through a take-over of narrow operating activities (e.g. payroll services), to the responsibility for running a whole financial department.

The state-of-the-art IT network with an on-line access to Clients and the most current software compliant with the requirements that have been in force in Poland since its accession to the UE allow the FPA Group to provide services regardless of the Client's location within the territory of Poland.
FPA Group is well-know company; our employees constantly cooperate with prominent business media (e.g. Puls Biznesu, Gazeta Prawna, Rzeczpospolita, Radio TOK FM, TVN 24).

Address data

Street:Solec 38
Postal code:00-394
Phone: +48 022 4582360
Fax: +48 022 4582362


Contact person

Name and Surname: Renata Sowińska
Phone: +48 022 4582360
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